Monday, April 30, 2012


Happy Anniversaries Neobux 

April 30th 2008 marked our official debut.
We've completed 4 wonderful years and we're now moving to our 5th year.

I could tell you lots of wonderful things we've accomplished throughout this period but you already know them all.
All I can say is that we've gone from a site were you need referrals to earn a lot to a site where without a single referral many are now earning more than $100 per day without any effort.

As you've already witnessed, we've multiplied earnings this year but we won't stop here. This is only the beginning of something amazing but I'll leave all these wonderful things to happen when they need to happen and they'll be announced as soon as you can benefit from them.

Due to popular demand we'll be giving the same discounts we had in our unofficial birthday celebration.
Since 4 years have been completed, we're giving you these discounts for 4 full days.

Renewal discount on referrals for all memberships:
30 days: 8%
60 days: 13%
90 days: 20%
150 days: 27%
240 days: 32%
These renewal discounts will be available until May 4th at 06:00 server's time

Discount on new Golden Pack purchases:
Emerald: $10 discount = $280
Sapphire: $10 discount = $280
Platinum: $20 discount = $470
Diamond: $20 discount = $470
Ultimate: $50 discount = $840
This discount is available only for new purchases. Upgrades and renewals are not included.
These purchase discounts will be available until May 4th at 06:00 server's time

Discount on Golden Membership purchases and / or extensions:
One year Golden = $75 (includes $15 discount)
This discount will be available until May 4th at 06:00 server's time

I would like just to thank you all for making NeoBux what it is today. It wasn't me nor our amazing team: It was you!
Enjoy and get ready for upcoming news.

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